Sunday, May 13, 2007


WOOT the new bk mix tape premiere was last night it was good........ i think.i got smashed so i dont remember alot,oh and last night was also the hey goodbye i love you raz/adam going way to euro bash, which is super sad, who is going to fill the empty viking helmet in the BK army????? i cant believes it 6mths no raz or adam. even Jesus is crying. do people even read these lol , if not i dont blame them.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

We can dance, we can dance, we can dance, everything is out of control.

Friday, April 20, 2007

every sunday

every sunday is now trails and team sport day, it is another crazy brain child of tyzee and ridgeways. each sunday will be filled with riding trails and DIGGING, followed by playin a normal "sport!" this sunday baseball. holla!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


guess what i just figured out how to post on this shit agian. amazing hey im smarter agian. hahahaha. anyways we started going tothe trails agian hopfully we will get the them sweet this year, cuz last year they got no luv. i blame pentiction.

Monday, March 12, 2007

cayford jam

cayford jam on saturday at windfield park

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

wicka wicka wicka slim shady, hotta than a set of twin babys

Guess whos back, back again, Tyzee's back, tell a friend

Thursday, March 1, 2007


Matt desson isnt a real person, he doesnt have a shadow!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


nothing much goes down in these neck of the woods except bad bbq's lol, warning tickets?, snow..and sunshine..and snow..., and.....failing..ha... YA..penticton is ridable, so every kid and there skateboards friend is there...pritttty lame, but not..i dunno.

Monday, February 19, 2007


edmonton was fun...joes not gay..ahah...codys car broke...riding with lots of people isnt fun,...but kinda is.....puddles and audi's dont mix....YA

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Dont get tattoo'd!!! edmonton..4 days..excited?

10 hours of luxury

edmonton in........6 days!!!!, yippppy, me matt, mat and luke G in the G wagon (audi)...yippppppy

Friday, February 2, 2007

dread locks and and apples

Me and Desson are going for a drive tomorrow. We're gunna go to nelson and ride the indoor, were meeting Ryan hiebert! and Mark shannnon in osoyoos and going on a voyage, it shall be fun a licious

Monday, January 29, 2007

I'll trade you Wayne Gretzky for Babe Ruth...

We wish Taylor Leigh and Mark Billy good luck on their quest for the Holy Grail, they took off to their homeland last week.

We welcome Brent Webb and Tyzee (for the third time....) to the front lines of BK!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

penticton is dry!...but effffin cooold....aaaaaaabuh

Friday, January 26, 2007


not much goin on around here......tried some backflips last night..gunna try more on saturday with out! b train, but with c mo and desson

Monday, January 22, 2007

Alpaca What!

Road trip!...edmonton..driving out...yup!......98 audi cause someones balla

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Cayford Jam

cayford jam march 17th

Tell your mom, tell your dad, tell your best friends dog's groomers ex girlfriend. Heck, even invite the creepy uncle nobody likes to talk about and the only time anyone sees him is at Christmas and he smells like mildew.

Friday, January 19, 2007



ty scott says holla..


ps..this blog was talked about..on another blog...its hollywood

Thursday, January 18, 2007


its snowing alot gunna go snowboarding tomorrow....and me and brandon and probly D ram are gunna go try backflips into snow..yippppyyyy

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


HOLLA! i just flew in from my own special island i like to call "EVAN FANTASY BED AND BREAKFAST"and boy are my arms tired(waits for laughs) any way richard already made an update but did he tell the truth............... no he didn't so i am here to set the record straight.first our little sasky rough rider tyzee was tragically shot in gang battle between the east side slugger and westside pirates, jack is spending night and day by his hospital bed waiting for him to come out of his coma which he has been in since the shot 3 week ago.we all hope tyzee pulls threw and the 90000 bullets he took to the face and 9 he took to the body dose not effect his rugged look and his hot bod.

oh i almost forgot i am greater than batman ,superman ,spider man put together.


or fly there!!

byah! was started to snow...i spent 20 dollars on a dancing/hanging elvis last broke....the end..aha...and were going to drive somewere and ride febuary..16th-18th..or 17th-19th, i dont no what day it is...and we dont no where were going, but were going somewhere warm...thats warm inside to ride!!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Tuesday, January 2, 2007


BK isn't dead! who would of thought, but this...this is the MFNBK BLOG! boiiiiiiii